Sunday, May 2, 2010

Math Refection

1a) The characteristics of graphs of quadratic functions I have observed, so far, have been parabolas. Of tables of quadratic functions, the area goes up until it gets to where the length and width are the same, and then they start to go back down.
1b) Patterns in a graph of a quadratic function appear in the table of values for the function by going up until they get to where the length and width are the same and then go back down to zero.

2) Two ways to find the maximum area for rectangles with a fixed perimeter are to look at the middle area in a table, and to look at the middle of the parabola graph.

3) Tables, graphs, and equations for quadratic functions are very different from those for linear and exponential functions. Tables are different because they don't go up by a specific number or multiplied by a specific number each time. Graphs are because they are not staright lines and they go up and down, not just up. Equations are different because they are not y=mx+b form or y=m to the x+n.


Allie G. said...

You did a very good job. Your information was correct and explained well. It helped me understand better.

Nic S. said...

I thought you did a good job in the first section. You said that the table went up until the area peaked and went back down in the same order. For the second part you also did well. For the third part i thought you covered everything you just forgot, when saying the quadratic graph was different than those of linear and exponential equations, to say that not only does it not just go up but it also doesn't just go down.

Kate M. said...

I think that this explanation is really easy to follow and comprehend. It helped me look at two easy ways to find a quadratic function's maximum. There are also ways that can be done through the equation instead ofhaving to make a graph or table.

Emily L said...

This is really helpful and clear. You covered pretty much everything. It helped me a lot. You did a really good job!

Ryan.F said...

Good job Bridget! This was a very good posting and very well worded. I liked how well you highlighted the differences between quadratic and linear functions. The ways to find the max point were clear and easy.
Good posting!

noah.singer said...

Good job! Your post is clear and concise. I liked how you made everything simple and didn't write out a ton of extra information. Your explanations are easy to understand. Nice job.